Yesterday I downloaded the Office 2010 trail and tried to install. Previously I have used the Beta1 also in its early days. After re-installing the Window I stick to the Office 2007 because I was facing some issues in the beta so I prefer to wait for the stable version.
The direct installation attempt was not successful because even after uninstalling the Office 2007 there were still some components (like office connector for WLM 2011) that were required to be removed. To avoid the delay in extraction each time then getting the error of still some components remaining for uninstall, I extracted the exe file (ProfessionalPlus.exe) with WinZip. After fully remove the required components, I executed the installer from the extracted files and I got a new error:

It was really strange for me because I clearly remember selecting the language as English. I cross checked the language of my system but I could not find the gap.
After googling the issue I came to know that the cause of this error is the extraction method. Why it is so, it does not make any logic.
The contents generated by WinZip (or other similar extraction tools) look like this:
The correct way is the use the extract command line switch to extract the setup:
Open the command prompt and navigate to the folder containing the setup file (in this case its D:\OfficeSetup) and execute the following command:
ProfessionalPlus.exe /extract:[Destination]
In this case the [Destination] is D:\Office2010
When the setup is extracted this way, we get the proper progress for the extraction followed by the confirmation:
The output generated in this way looks like this:
Bonus Tip:
In case if you do not know, to open the command prompt directly to any folder in the explorer use this shortcut:
Shift + Right Click on Folder Name
So How to fix it?
follow the steps mentioned and it will solve the issue
Use 7zip to extract file .
If the file are already extracted then?
extracted by winzip or the described way?