Unboxing Fujitsu Lifebook T904

Hello All!

Finally we are here with the first and the basic task of unboxing the Fujitsu LIFEBOOK T904. My device has been delayed due to logistics and when it reached to me it’s only the device box and not the usual fully loaded insider box with other goodies. The device has got a wonderful docking station and it’s my good luck that it is provided as inside-box accessory else I would have badly missed it (along with outside-box accessories).

Anyhow, the unboxing has been done and it’s a charm to have such a distinct device. So here you go with the unboxing video:

This device is so much loaded that it requires a separate video to explore its general features and specifications. This activity is already in progress and will be shared soon.


The new stuff is available here: Fujitsu Lifebook T904 – Specs & Review

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